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Github   repos  from Abhi Micro Devices 0

Github repos from Abhi Micro Devices

https://github.com/abhimicrodevices – please find the link for Abhi Micro Devices repos in github . Afvision projects aims to build agi farming AI project with plant classification targeted with edge platforms . please consider contributing...


bio degradable chips https://www.designnews.com/semiconductors-and-chips/sweet-new-technique-print-microchips-unconventional-surfacesbio degradable chips

Install RStudio on Ubuntu 22.04 0

Install RStudio on Ubuntu 22.04

1.Install RStudio Installing R-base open Browser and search for rstudio.org and click on to the download link and go to Ubuntu 22.04 and click link next to the Ubuntu 22 and and download the...

Micro Python and ESP32 0

Micro Python and ESP32

What is Micro Python? Micro Python is a full Python compiler and runtime that runs on the bare-metal. Micro Python is a compatible with Python 3, written in C, that is optimized to run...

What is ONNX? 0

What is ONNX?

ONNX is an open format built to represent machine learning models. onnx is better representation for deep learning implementation. Benefits of ONNX ONNX format allows for framework interoperability by providing a uniform format that...